Em Português:
1. Nós devemos trazer as bolas se quisermos jogar,a escola não dará.
2. Ás 12:35 os alunos da manhã deverão desocupar a quadra para os alunos da tarde.
O Luis, nosso amigo e coordenador da escola, fez uma mudança nos lugares, não lembro como ficou a classe inteira, mas o Matheus ficou atrás de mim (O que foi legal) e o Rodrigo na minha frente (Isso foi totalmente chato. Zoeira).
Bom é isso aí, Beijo do CaeTheBest !
In English:
Hello friends, today was intentionally on the rules of squares:
1. We must bring the balls if to want to play, the school will not give.
2. Ace 12:35 the pupils of the morning will have square to vacate it for the pupils of the afternoon.
The Louis, our friend and coordinator of the school, made a change in the places, I does not remember as it was the entire classroom, but the Matheus was behind me (What it was cool) and the Rodrigo in my front (This was total flat.I'm Kidding).
The Louis, our friend and coordinator of the school, made a change in the places, I does not remember as it was the entire classroom, but the Matheus was behind me (What it was cool) and the Rodrigo in my front (This was total flat.I'm Kidding).
Good it is this there, Kiss of CaeTheBest !
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